
The Witcher 3 director departs CD Projekt SA following investigation into workplace bullying - zepedaandeight

Game conductor of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Konrad Tomaszkiewicz has hopeless from CD Projekt SA following an investigation into workplace bullying.

As reported aside Bloomberg, Tomaszkiewicz was in reality found non indictable by a commission that was investigating allegations of bullying at the studio apartment levelled against him, itself undermentioned a months long internal investigation. Withal, Tomaszkiewicz nevertheless made the decision to step down from his postition in a letter of the alphabet to staff, saying "Nonetheless, a lot of people are feel dread, emphasise or discomfort when working with Maine" and he also apologised to staff "for every last the stale blood I take up caused."

His decision was made and agreed upon with the company's plank of directors, and Tomaszkiewicz added "I am going to continue impermanent on myself. Changing behavior is a recollective and arduous process, merely I'm not giving up, and I Bob Hope to deepen." He earlier joined the studio apartment back in 2004 A a junior examiner, and has worked on every The Witcher game in the series as well as parthian year's Cyberpunk 2077.

According to Bloomberg, atomic number 2 was matter-of-course to spiel a part in the studio apartment's next game in the Witcher serial publication, although the finale we heard on that was book binding in March of last year, where it was said the studio's next Witcher-correlate project wouldn't glucinium a Witcher 4.

The Witcher 3: Untamed Hunt

along Microcomputer, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Geralt returns to protect the world from his arch nemesis, fighting to…

Release Escort:

19 May 2015

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