
How To Install Windows Xp Over Windows Vista

Lowell is the founder and CEO of How-To Geek. He's been running the evidence since creating the site dorsum in 2006. Over the last decade, Lowell has personally written more than 1000 articles which have been viewed by over 250 meg people. Prior to starting How-To Geek, Lowell spent 15 years working in Information technology doing consulting, cybersecurity, database direction, and programming work. Read more.

The question I am asked most oftentimes is "How do I install a dual-boot with Windows XP on my new Windows Vista computer?" The answer is that it's not that difficult, it's simply very time consuming, and you need to own a copy of Windows XP.

Note that you should not attempt this if you lot aren't ready to troubleshoot any problems that might occur.

The first outcome we encounter is that computers with pre-installed operating systems take upward the entire drive. Luckily Microsoft included the Compress volume feature in Vista, so we can easily compress the Vista partition downward to brand room for XP.

Open the Reckoner Direction console, which you tin detect nether Administrative tools or by right-clicking the Estimator particular in the showtime carte and choosing Manage. Find the Disk Management item in the listing and select that.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Now we'll compress our volume downwards past right-clicking on the chief hard bulldoze and choosing Shrink Volume.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Now you can choose the size that you want to shrink, which really ways you are choosing the size that y'all want your XP partition to be. Any yous do, don't just utilize the default. I chose roughly 10gb past entering 10000 into the amount.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

The next step might be confusing, because we need to modify the cd-rom drive that'south invariably taking upward D: at the moment, considering we want to use D: for the Windows XP division, merely it's already taken by the cd-rom bulldoze. If you skip this pace than XP will install onto the East: bulldoze, which isn't the end of the earth, only it's not quite as tidy.

Right-click on the cd-rom drive in the list and choose Modify Drive Letter and Paths from the bill of fare.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Now we'll modify the CD drive to utilise E: past selecting that in the drop-down.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

At present nosotros tin create a new partitioning for XP to live on and make sure that the drive letter is set the way we desire. If yous do non create a sectionalization now the XP install volition do and so automatically, only it'southward easier and cleaner to do information technology this way.

Right-click on the Unallocated gratis space area and then select New Unproblematic Book from the menu.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Follow through the wizard and select whatever options you'd similar, making sure to use D: as the drive letter.

At present you will demand to close out of disk management and reboot your computer. This is because we can't do the next step until we reboot. (yous can try, simply it won't work)

Then we've come back from rebooting… open Computer from the offset menu and and so right-click on the D: drive and select backdrop. Give your partition a meaningful proper name similar "XP". It would be wise to name the C: drive to "Vista" at this point as well.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Now you'll want to pop your XP cd into the drive and boot off it. You may have to configure your BIOS to enable booting off the CD bulldoze, or if your calculator says something like "Hit Esc for boot menu" you might want to utilize that.

Once y'all come to the screen where you tin choose the partitioning to install on, then choose either the unpartitioned space or the new partition yous created. Whatsoever yous do, don't try and install onto your Vista partition! See how much cleaner it is now that nosotros've labeled each sectionalisation distinctly?

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

We'll assume XP is completely installed at this bespeak, and you will have lost your ability to boot into Windows Vista, and then we'll need to use the VistaBootPro utility to restore the Vista kicking loader.

Update: VistaBootPro is no longer complimentary, simply you can still download the gratuitous version.

During the install you'll exist forced to install the .Cyberspace ii.0 framework. Open up VistaBootPRO and so click on the Arrangement Bootloader tab. Check the "Windows Vista Bootloader" and then "All Drives" radio buttons, and so click on the Install Bootloader button.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

At this point, the Windows Vista bootloader is installed and you'll only be able to boot into Vista, simply we'll fix that. Instead of manually doing the work, we'll just click the Diagnostics menu particular and so choose Run Diagnostics from the carte.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

This will browse your calculator and then automatically fill up in the XP version.. click on the "Manage OS Entries" tab and then click in the textbox for Rename Os Entry, and name it something useful like "Windows XP" or "The Windows That Works"

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Click the Apply Updates button and then reboot your computer… you should see your shiny new kicking manager with both operating systems in the listing!

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

If y'all get an fault saying "unable to find ntldr" when trying to boot XP, you lot'll need to practise the following:

  • Find the hidden files ntldr and in the root of your Vista drive and copy them to the root of your XP drive.
  • If you tin can't find the files there, y'all can find them in the \i386\ folder on your XP install cd

There's more data on this forum thread, thanks to nrv1013

This is a critical piece of information: Windows XP will be installed on the D: drive, even in Windows XP… and so you lot'll need to proceed that in mind when tweaking your arrangement.

You tin can share information between the drives, but I wouldn't recommend messing with the other operating system's partition besides much… it might get aroused and bite you. Or screw upward your files. What I practise recommend is that y'all store most of your files on a tertiary bulldoze shared between the operating systems… you could call that partition "Information".

I'm going to write a number of followup manufactures dealing with all of the issues with dual-boot systems, so subscribe to the feed for updates.

If you lot have issues with your dual-kicking organisation, I'd recommend creating a new topic in our Computer Help forum, and nosotros'll attempt and aid yous.

If you have issues with using the shrink book characteristic, check this article for some tips.

#i KerryN

Hi, I take been given a windows laptop:

intel pentium Compaq Presario A900 Notebook, 32 bit.

It is running windows vista, but I specifically desire windows xp for a program that I have that will but work on windows xp and no other operating system. I am not interested in using it for annihilation else. I have constitute a video on youtube that says I can install windows xp using Sun's Virtual Box. Two questions from this.

1) Is that a good idea? Would it be better to format the hard bulldoze and just install windows xp and would that program work on that laptop as a first install.

two) If either of those options will work, I have been looking to purchase a copy of windows xp on ebay, but there are so many different options with many seeming to exist for dell computers. Would those ones listed equally for dells not piece of work on my laptop? Is there a specific pick I should exist looking for?

Many thanks for your assistance.

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#ii JohnC_21

Wipe Vista and install XP. See this post. Apply the first link. No need to lookout the video.

Edited by JohnC_21, 29 July 2022 – 01:55 PM.

#3 KerryN

Wipe Vista and install XP. See this post. Use the commencement link. No need to sentinel the video.

Thanks for that pointer. It is xp with sp2 that I needed. Having searched that site at that place is the option there. A few questions if you could help me please:

Information technology says I need 16gb of disk infinite. Is that how much will exist downloaded onto a disk? The only disks I take are 4.7GB.

Will I need to search out other drivers or should everything work just with downloading the plan?

How tin can I guarantee that the version with sp2 is safe from viruses/malware?

I take my original hard drive from my windows xp computer that died. Is there any mode of extracting the programme from that?

Many cheers for your assistance. I am pretty computer illiterate so your assistance is really appreciated.

#iv JohnC_21

Anything that runs on SP2 should run on SP3. I've never came beyond a programme that didn't but I gauge there is always a first time.

16GB is the amount of free space required on the HDD, not the CD/DVD.

Y'all may need to search for drivers afterward installing XP only it shouldn't be a trouble. You would wait in Device Manger for whatsoever devices with Yellow assertion marks. Right click the device and select Properties. Nether the Details tab select Hardware IDs in the dropdown box. Exercise a google search on the first line. You may have issues with the install media finding the SATA drive. XP SP2 did not have many drivers for SATA controllers. You may need to slipstream in the commuter but commencement you need to find the reckoner'southward chipset which can be establish using the programme CPUz. From the chipset you need to find the advisable SATA driver and so slipstream it into the install. The link I provided for SP3 has virtually SATA drivers already slipstreamed into the iso file.

I don't know how you can guarantee there isn't malware on the install media. I would at to the lowest degree scan the install CD with an AV and Malwarebytes afterwards called-for the iso.

You tin't extract the program from the failed drive because when a program is installed it modifies the registry and the registry can't be copied to the new drive. You would demand to reinstall the program.

#5 KerryN

Anything that runs on SP2 should run on SP3. I've never came across a program that didn't but I guess there is e'er a first time.

16GB is the amount of free space required on the HDD, non the CD/DVD.

You may need to search for drivers later on installing XP but it shouldn't exist a problem. You would wait in Device Manger for any devices with Yellow assertion marks. Correct click the device and select Properties. Under the Details tab select Hardware IDs in the dropdown box. Do a google search on the first line. Yous may have bug with the install media finding the SATA bulldoze. XP SP2 did not take many drivers for SATA controllers. You may need to slipstream in the commuter but first you lot need to find the computer's chipset which tin can be constitute using the program CPUz. From the chipset you lot need to discover the appropriate SATA driver and then slipstream it into the install. The link I provided for SP3 has nearly SATA drivers already slipstreamed into the iso file.

I don't know how you can guarantee there isn't malware on the install media. I would at least scan the install CD with an AV and Malwarebytes after burning the iso.

Y'all can't extract the programme from the failed drive considering when a program is installed it modifies the registry and the registry can't be copied to the new drive. You would need to reinstall the program.

Thank you for the extra assist. It is very much appreciated.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Users may want to upgrade to Windows Vista without an existing version of Windows 2000 or XP installed on the computer. Unfortunately, Microsoft requires users upgrading to Windows Vista to begin the upgrade procedure in Windows 2000 or XP. If you try upgrading to Windows Vista past booting to the Vista upgrade CD, you receive the message below.

To use the product primal you entered, showtime the installation from your existing version of Windows.

If you lot want a fresh copy of Windows Vista and do not have Windows 2000 or XP installed on the computer, endeavour one of the options beneath. Both of these options crave you to install an operating system twice. We recommend following the first workaround choice.

  1. Kicking to the Windows Vista CD and start the Windows Vista setup.
  2. When prompted to enter the production key for activation, do not enter your activation key and click Next.
  3. You become an install Windows prompt asking if you want to enter your product key now. Click No.
  4. Select the edition of Windows XP you lot've purchased, check the box "I have selected the edition of Windows that I purchased" and click Next.
  5. After setup completes and Windows Vista loads, start the Windows setup again past ejecting and loading the CD again or past double-clicking the CD drive in My Computer.
  6. During the Windows Vista setup when prompted for the activation key this time enter it.
  7. When prompted to do an Upgrade or Custom install select Custom and perform a clean Windows Vista install.
  1. Delete the partition and reinstall Windows 2000 or Windows XP using the 2000 or XP CD.
  2. After 2000 or XP is installed, update the operating systems with all the latest Windows updates.
  3. And then install Windows Vista upgrade or do the custom install and perform a make clean Windows Vista install.

If you would like a divide, clean installation of Windows, brand this decision during the Vista install process. Select the option for Custom install during installation and follow the on-screen instructions.

Setup: installing Windows on your hard disk

Running the Windows XP setup: what to do and what not to do during setup.

Installing hardware drivers

After you have setup your Windows XP, you need to install the hardware drivers. If yous don't have them (anymore), you can download them from the internet.

Internet connectedness settings: DSL/Cable/56K

This page describes the realization and optimization of an internet DSL/Cable/56K internet connectedness.

Updating Windows: critical and optional updates

I of the beginning things to do, is updating Windows to fix critical Windows issues.

Desktop properties and screen resolution

Irresolute your desktop properties and screen settings.

Start Menu and Quick Launch toolbar

Information about tweaking the Get-go Menu and the Quick Launch toolbar for better navigation.

Windows XP operation settings (office I)

Now Windows (including the updates) is installed, it's time to alter the Windows settings to get a more user friendly system. The get-go office is about advanced system settings, (disabling) Windows Messenger, burning a CD-ROM and changing the search function.

Windows XP performance settings (office II)

Now Windows (including the updates) is installed, it's time to modify the Windows settings to become a more user friendly system. The second part is about Taskbar/Outset Menu, Windows Explorer settings, hibernation, recycle bin and keyboard settings, task scheduler, sounds and audio, windows software and internet options.

Optimizing Windows XP Services

Windows XP starts a lot of different services, as engine of the whole Windows arrangement. However, some of them won't be of whatever apply for you! By quitting those unused services, you can realize higher system performances.

MSConfig System Configuration Utility

With the utility MSConfig information technology is possible to analyze all the applications starting when yous plough on your estimator and, if you feel the need to do so, disable undesirable items. Turning off undesirable items will salvage system resources which will eventually outcome in a faster Windows.

Electronic mail settings Outlook Express

This page describes the e-mail settings for Outlook Express.

Optimizing (multiple) user accounts

Multiple user accounts: all yous need to know first.

TWEAKUI (Windows XP Powertool)

TWEAKUI is one of the best known Windows Powertoys/Powertools (issued but non supported by Microsoft) to tweak the User Interface (UI). With this tool you are able to modify settings, which aren't reachable within Windows.

Interesting Windows XP registry tweaks

Most settings can be washed easily within Windows. However, for some setting y'all need to swoop into the registry or employ one of the many registry tweak utilities (like the Windows XP powertool TWEAKUI). On this page (and other pages), I have described some interesting registry tweaks which you tin can do yourself, using the registry editor.

Registry cleaning and optimizing (Regclean)

Your registry can be cleaned and optimized (defrag the registry).

Disk Cleanup: deleting unnecessary files

To free some space on your hard disk for better purposes, you have to exercise a disk cleanup. With the Deejay Cleanup utility you lot accept a build in tool to remove many unnecessary files from your hard deejay.

Defragmenting hard deejay/registry/pagefile

Before imaging your Windows partition, information technology's wise to defrag your hard disk drive (C: partition). Defragmenting results in nicely arranged files, which are not spread in pieces all over the hard disk. After defragmenting your hard disk has faster access to the files, which results in a faster Windows. Too that, you lot can besides defrag the registry and the virtual memory (pagefile) for better operation.

Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
AVG antivirus
Comodo Internet Security
Back-upwardly/file Sync
Free software
Wireless network
Sharing files
Installing Windows in 10 steps
Backup data/drivers
Resizing partitions
Move personal files

© 2001-2019 – Menno Schoone – SchoonePC – Rotterdam – The Netherlands

This procedure demonstrates how to install Windows XP Professional. The process to install Windows XP home edition is very similar to the professional edition. Since Windows XP Pro is more advanced operating system, it will exist used to demonstrate the installation procedure.

The best manner install Windows XP is to do a clean install. It is non difficult to perform a clean installation. Before you perform the installation I recommend that y'all check Windows XP Compatibility List to ensure that your hardware is supported by XP. If your hardware is not on the compatibility list y'all can bank check your hardware manufactures website to download the drivers for Windows XP. Save all the necessary drivers onto floppy disks or CD before you first the installation.

All versions of Windows XP CD are bootable. In guild to kicking from CD/DVD-ROM y'all demand to set the boot sequence. Look for the boot sequence under your BIOS setup and make sure that the get-go kick device is set to CD/DVD-ROM. You can then perform the following steps to install Windows XP:

Step i – Outset your PC and identify your Windows XP CD in your CD/DVD-ROM drive. Your PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying "Press any fundamental to boot from CD". Soon as computer starts booting from the CD your will become the following screen:

Step 2 – At this stage it will ask yous to press F6 if yous desire to install a third party Raid or SCSI commuter. If you are using a an IDE Hard Drive and then you do not need to press F6. If you lot are using a SCSI or SATA Hard drive and then y'all must press F6 otherwise Windows will non detect your Hard Drive during the installation. Delight make sure you lot accept the Raid drivers on a floppy disk. Commonly the drivers are supplied on a CD which you can copy to a floppy deejay ready to be installed. If you are not sure how to practice this then please read your motherboard manuals for more data.

Step three – Printing S to Specify that you want to install additional device.

Step 4 – You volition exist asked to insert the floppy disk with the Raid or SCSI drivers. Press enter later yous have inserted the deejay.

Step 5 – You volition see a list of Raid drivers for your HDD. Select the correct driver for your device and press enter.

Stride six – You will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup screen. You have the option to do a new Windows install, Repair previous install or quit. Since we are doing a new install we only press Enter to continue.

You might, but for the best experience, an upgrade is needed

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

Since Windows 10 is offered equally a free upgrade for users who are running genuine Windows seven or 8.1 on their computers, it's pretty clear that these systems can run the new operating organisation flawlessly, but the big question for some users is how well the new software volition work on one-time hardware designed for Windows XP or Vista.

Considering that Windows XP was launched xiv years ago, information technology'due south not such a shocking thing that installing Windows 10 on a computer that shipped with the ancient Bone takes longer than expected or doesn't work at all, but fortunately, information technology turns out that, in some cases, it actually runs pretty smoothly.

"Y'all may purchase Windows ten from the Microsoft Store or other retailers and install information technology on your existing device running Windows XP or Windows Vista if your device meets the minimum spec requirements for Windows 10. Yous volition demand to back up any existing files before installing Windows ten. It will be a 'make clean' install. However, we recommend yous experience Windows 10 on a newer device," Microsoft explains.

System requirements

So Microsoft says that information technology might exist possible to run Windows 10 on an XP or Vista computer, just what about hardware requirements?

Below are the system requirements of Windows XP:

Processor Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300 MHz is recommended)
RAM At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB is recommended)
HDD infinite At to the lowest degree i.5 gigabytes (GB) of available space on the difficult disk
Graphics Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA
Display 800 x 600 pixel resolution or college

And these are the organization requirements of Windows Vista:

Processor 800-megahertz (MHz) 32-flake (x86) processor or 800-MHz 64-bit (x64) processor
RAM 512 megabytes (MB) of organisation memory
HDD space 20-gigabyte (GB) hard disk drive that has xv GB of gratuitous hard deejay infinite
Graphics DirectX 9-class graphics card
Display 32 MB of graphics memory

And finally, here are the Windows ten system requirements:

Processor 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC
RAM 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or ii GB for 64-bit
HDD infinite 16 GB for 32-bit OS 20 GB for 64-bit Os
Graphics DirectX ix or afterwards with WDDM one.0 driver
Brandish 1024×600 pixel resolution or higher


Non to mention that, for some specific features, hardware upgrades are required anyway, and then if yous really want to make the most of Windows 10, only give up on the old figurer and get a new one that should be adept to become for at least ten years from today.

One of the about common problems encountered in configuring a dual-kicking between Windows XP and Windows Vista happens when you try to install Windows XP on a computer with Windows 7/Vista already installed. When you install Windows XP, information technology'll remove the bootmgr/BCD used by newer versions of Windows (Vista, 7, & 8) and utilize its ain instead.

Installing Windows XP on a PC already with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

If you follow these instructions, you should be able to add together Windows XP to a system that already has a newer version of Windows installed – with minimal headache and no loss of information.

Prepping the Auto for an XP Installation

The commencement thing to practice is to get your organization ready for installing Windows XP. In that location are a couple of things you need to do:

Do you already have a gratis partitioning or a separate concrete disk that yous can install Windows XP to? If and then, skip on to the side by side section.

  1. Download the free GParted Live CD or use a commercial partition editor, and kick into it.
  2. Apply the partition manager to shrink the sectionalization with Windows Vista/seven to make enough room at the end of the drive for Windows XP.
  3. Add a new sectionalisation located after the Windows Vista/7 partition yous just shrunk. Make sure information technology has been formatted as NTFS. Information technology doesn't need to exist principal, and should not be active.
  4. Reboot into the Windows XP setup CD

Information technology'south very important to make sure that this partition was created at the end of the bulldoze, or else you lot might no longer be able to boot into Windows because your partition numbers and offsets have changed.

Installing Windows XP

If you're installing Windows XP to a separate physical drive, do non disconnect the Windows Vista or Windows 7 drive, and exercise non modify the bulldoze boot order in the BIOS. This will not assist and volition get in terribly difficult to go your dual-boot working once more!

Y'all cannot install Windows XP by running the installer from within a newer version of Windows, instead, you'll have to boot from the CD:

  1. Make certain your BIOS is configured to boot from the CD. Some computers as well let you printing F8 to pick where y'all want to kicking from – you may use that option instead.
  2. Put your Windows XP CD in the drive and press a key when y'all see the "Press any primal to enter Windows Setup…" message.
  3. If you're installing Windows XP to a SATA drive, make sure y'all striking F6 to load the SATA drives.
  4. When you're presented with a screen that has a list of difficult drives and partitions, use the arrow keys to select the empty NTFS partition you created in the previous section, and so press 'Enter' to proceed.
  5. Let Windows XP setup finish. Information technology will reboot several times – do non interrupt it.

Setting up the Dual-Kicking

One time Windows XP setup has finished, it'll automatically boot yous into the newly installed re-create of Windows XP – annotation that you volition not be able to boot into Vista/seven at this point, nor will yous see a kicking menu option for it. This is considering Windows XP has installed its own bootloader on top of the Windows Vista bootloader, and it does non recognize newer versions of Windows.

  • Once in Windows XP, download and install the Microsoft .Internet 2.0 Framework SP1.
  • Download and install the latest version of EasyBCD.
  • Once in EasyBCD, get to the "Bootloader Setup" folio, and select "Install the Windows Vista/7 bootloader to the MBR" then "Write MBR" to go the EasyBCD bootloader back.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

EasyBCD BCD deployment screen

  • Once that's washed, head on to the "Add New Entry" folio and select "Windows NT/2k/XP/2003" from the drop-downward list, requite it a proper name, so press "Add Entry" to cease. Leave the checkbox for automatic configuration checked, and do not manually change the drive in EasyBCD thereafter. The settings EasyBCD chooses may wait wrong, simply it's complicated.

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

EasyBCD adding WinXP entry

  • At present reboot.

You won't be able to select the drive that your Windows XP entry points to. This is because EasyBCD will automatically search for NTLDR, the Windows XP bootloader, and pick the right bulldoze for y'all. For more information, read the main Windows XP page. Don't try irresolute this yourself, your organization will not boot if you practise!

Finishing Upward

  • If all has gone well (assuming yous followed the directions here to a tee, there is no reason for it not to have), you should be presented with the EasyBCD kicking carte du jour when you restart your automobile.
  • Yous'll have the old Windows Vista/vii entry and the new Windows XP entry you created in the steps higher up. Selecting each should become y'all into the respecting operating system without a problem.
  • Feel gratis to run EasyBCD in either OS and customize your dual-kick by renaming entries, irresolute the default OS, and modifying the menu timeout.
  • Grab yourself a copy of iReboot from the "Useful Utilities" page – information technology's gratis and yous'll love information technology.


Please see the the Troubleshooting XP Kicking Issues folio for answers to any issues you might have.

    tutorial past Ciprian Adrian Rusen published on 08.13.2012

How to install windows xp on a windows vista computer

On the Net you may discover plenty of guides on how to install Windows 8 on your computer simply very few guides on how to create a dual boot setup and accept information technology run alongside Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP. That'southward why we decided to help users who want to create a multiboot setup and share the steps required to install Windows 8 alongside earlier versions of Windows. Don't hesitate to read the whole article and save yourself from problems and bug.

Step 1. Larn Almost The New Windows 8 Kicking Director

First, you need to learn about the new boot manager included with Windows eight. Information technology is one of the most important novelties in Windows 8. The new kick manager not only looks unlike only:

  • It is touch friendly and tin can be used easily on tablets and displays with touch;
  • It allows you to cull the default operating system to kicking into afterward a set time;
  • It provides more tools and features than the kicking managers of earlier versions of Windows;
  • It takes longer to load than other kicking managers only facilitates a faster boot procedure for Windows 8. Equally you will experience yourself, Windows viii has the fastest boot fourth dimension of all versions of Windows;
  • If you cull to boot into Windows seven or another previous version of Windows, it volition reboot your arrangement and load the boot manager advisable for that version of Windows.

Since it is and so different it is incompatible with the kick managers from before versions of Windows.

Step 2. Install Other Versions of Windows First – Leave Windows 8 Last

Since the Windows 8 boot manager is so unlike, in a multi-kick configuration, Windows viii should always exist installed final. If you install information technology beginning and so other versions of Windows, the new kick director will be overwritten and you won't be able to boot into Windows 8. And so, you need to repair the kick manager with the Windows 8 installation disc or utilize some tertiary-party software to manage and fix your boot entries.

You can attempt EasyBCD 2.2 Beta which provides support for Windows 8. If you discover other kick managers that piece of work with Windows 8, don't hesitate to share them in the comments.

Stride 3. Create a Sectionalization But for Windows 8

Once you are washed installing other versions of Windows, you should partition your difficult drive and create a new partitioning but for Windows eight. Make sure that this partition is at least xx – 25 GB in size. If y'all plan to install lots of applications in Windows 8, don't hesitate to make the partition bigger.

At that place are many tools you lot tin use to create this partitioning. If you prefer the tools included in Windows, then don't hesitate to use the Disk Management tool. To learn how to utilize it, read this tutorial: How to Manage Your Disks using the Disk Management Utility.

Stride four. Install Windows 8

Simply afterwards yous install the other versions of Windows and create the partition for Windows 8, go ahead and install Windows eight.

Get the installation disc, boot from it and beginning the Windows 8 setup. Follow our detailed installation guide: How to Install Windows eight RTM on Your Computer.

For a multiboot setup, the steps are the same as in that guide. The only difference is that when you are asked to select where to install Windows 8, select the division that y'all created and make certain you don't select the partitions where other operating systems are installed.

Footstep 5: Customize the Default Kicking Operating Arrangement

After you install Windows 8, it is set as your default kick operating system. If you plan to use it every bit your main operating system, that's OK.

However, if you plan to use it as a secondary operating system, information technology is best to change the default. Yous can use the Arrangement Configuration utility in Windows to modify the default boot operating system.

Yous tin can also use a third political party tool like EasyBCD 2.two Beta or the Windows viii boot director.


As you can see from this guide, installing Windows viii alongside Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP can be done with relative ease. Still, you do need quite a flake of time to get everything done and you need to pay attending to the lodge in which operating systems are installed.


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