
How To Repair A Lamp Cord

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Whether your family unit walks over them or your pets chew on them, electrical cords habiliment out over time. Getting replacement cords can be expensive, but fortunately you can prepare most cords on your ain for a fraction of the cost. No matter how you program on doing the repair, cutting off the damaged portion offset. For a simple, straightforward mode to repair a cord, fit it with a new plug. If yous can't find a new plug and wish to preserve the cord's length, you could utilize metal solder with a soldering iron for a stronger set up. Then, plug in your repaired cord to see that it works as well equally a new i again.

  1. 1

    Disconnect the cord from the outlet. Make sure it is completely unplugged before working on information technology. When information technology is plugged into an outlet, information technology still has an electrical current running through it. Be conscientious to avoid touching any exposed metallic wires or contacts while unplugging the cord. Disassemble any other cords or electronics connected to the wire as well.[i]

    • If you're dealing with heavily-damaged cords, consider shutting off the electricity showtime. Close off the fuse or circuit breaker. It is usually located in a secluded spot like in the basement or a storage room.
  2. 2

    Inspect the string for broken wires and other signs of damage. Feel the entire length of the cord to run across if it feels unusually warm. Look for whatever breaks in the insulation that could prevent the cord from working. Also, bank check plug prongs to see if they look melted or burned.[2]

    • Consider marking any damaged areas so you don't have to search for them later. If you lot come across a lot of serious damage, you may be better off purchasing a new cord instead of attempting a repair.
    • Note that broken extension cords cannot safely be spliced, or joined, back together. No thing how well you try to reconnect the old wires, the cord won't be prophylactic for use. Instead, fit it with a new plug.


  3. 3

    Repair superficial damage past wrapping it with electrical tape. Accept the edge of the record and identify information technology over the broken casing. So, wrap the record around the cord a few times to seal the damage. Make sure it'southward well-sealed, then care for other damaged portions the same way. Electrical tape is a type of blackness vinyl that resists electricity, so it's slap-up for safely wrapping up cords as long as there aren't whatever exposed metallic wires.[three]

    • If the cord is and then damaged that you see frayed metal, and then y'all will nigh likely take to cut it to repair information technology. Tape is but proficient for insulating wires, preventing existing superficial damage to prevent it from getting worse.
    • Another option is to fit a PVC shrink tube over the damaged portion. Rut information technology gently to compress it and seal off the break.
    • Other types of tape, including duct tape, tin work. However, electrical record is the best choice because it is designed to work on electric components.
  4. 4

    Cut the cord on both sides of the damaged portion using pliers. End cutting pliers and lineman'south pliers are a couple of options for cutting cleanly through electric cords. Position the pliers past the damaged portion and sever the cord. Cutting through all of the insulation and wiring with a single endeavor. Then, do the aforementioned on the opposite side of the damaged portion to completely remove it.[4]

    • Bank check the length of each remaining cord. If they are pretty long, you may be able to reuse both of them. Throw away cut lengths that are besides curt to be useful.
    • For instance, you might cut an extension cord in one-half and reuse both parts. For smaller cords, such equally from electronic devices, yous may not demand the shorter part even if it's reusable.
  5. v

    Strip about one in (ii.5 cm) of insulation off the cord with wire strippers. Wire strippers are very useful for removing the cord's outer casing without damaging the wires underneath it. Measure from the cut finish of the wire, taking caution to avert removing more of the insulated casing than you need to. Clamp the pliers downwardly to break the insulation, then slide it off the wire. Repeat this with the other half of the cutting string if y'all program on soldering the pieces back together[v]

    • This volition reveal the electrical wires within the cord. Wait to come across 3 wires in thicker cords like extension cords. Smaller cords, such as for household accessories, contain fewer wires.
    • If y'all don't take wire strippers available, you could use a utility pocketknife or another abrupt tool. However, be very careful to avert damaging the electrical wires. Score the insulation until y'all are able to remove it from the cord.
  6. 6

    Remove insulation from each of the wires inside the cord. Measure about 34  in (1.nine cm) from the cut finish of each wire. Then, apply the wire strippers to break through the casing. Slide the cut insulation off when you lot're done. It will expose the copper wires, which yous can reroute to your replacement cap.[6]

    • The wires are a little smaller than the string, and then use wire strippers if you have them. Wire strippers are a amend choice for precision than other tools, such as a utility knife, which can easily ruin the wires.
    • If y'all make a mistake and cut through the individual wires, don't worry. Your string isn't ruined. Just cut out the damaged portion again.
    • If you're planning on soldering the string lengths back together, strip the wires inside both parts.


  1. ane

    Select a new plug with the same number of prongs as the former one. Fixing a cord without soldering involves installing a new plug. The new plug has to friction match the old one, but there are various types of plugs. Try to get an identical plug that is the same shape and has the same number of prongs. Match the amp rating as well, which will likely exist printed on the plugs.[7]

    • Installing a new plug is the simplest solution for most types of cords, including extension cords. However, for some accessory cords, you lot may not be able to find or install a matching plug. Try soldering instead.
    • Take the plug with yous to a home improvement store to help find a matching replacement. Sometimes you tin pull the plug off or unscrew it from the old cord.
    • Many appliances and older extension cords use what is known as polarized cords and caps. The caps connect to a flat 2-wire cord. To identify it, await for a ridge forth the length of the cord, printed identifying information on the cord, or gold and silver conductors on the plug.
    • Plugs can be purchased online or at home improvement stores along with all the other tools needed for the repair.
  2. 2

    Inspect the replacement cord cap for labels showing where each wire fits. String caps take several unlike slots with screws used to hold the wires in place. These slots can vary depending on the kind of cap you're using. The slots may have labels similar "black" and "white" that correspond to the wires inside the electric cord. Match the labels to the colour of the insulation on each wire.[8]

    • If the cap doesn't have labels, check the screws. The black power wire connects to the orange brass screw. The white neutral wire connects to the silver spiral. Finally, the green ground wire connects to the green screw.
    • Note that the wire colors may differ depending on the cord or electric code in your expanse. For example, in Europe, the ability wire is often dark-brown or blackness. Blue is for the neutral wire, while yellow and greenish are for the ground wire.
    • The wires take to be plugged into the proper spots in lodge for the cord to work correctly. Putting them in the incorrect places is dangerous! It could damage electronic devices or even increment the risk of electrical stupor.
  3. iii

    Tuck the ends of the exposed wires clockwise effectually the screws. Work on the wires 1 at a time, connecting them to the appropriate cap terminals. Keep each wire secure by twisting the exposed strands together first. Then, brainstorm wrapping the wires clockwise around the screws. Most plugs take minor notches you can use to hold the wires in position, keeping them close to the screws.[nine]

    • Make sure all the wire strands have been twisted together and are secured nether their respective terminals. If they are loose, they could crusade the cord to short circuit.
    • The exposed parts of the wires cannot touch on one some other. If they are touching, tuck them in closely against the cap and screws before using the cord.
  4. four

    Turn the screws clockwise to pin the wires to the cap. Use a Phillips screwdriver on each screw. One time you tighten the screws, you lot won't be able to move the wires. Check them over to brand sure they are well-positioned and secure. If y'all demand to make adjustments, loosen the screws past turning them counterclockwise.[10]

    • Check your work before moving on. Any wire strands even so outside of the screw terminals are a problem. You might damage them past attempting to fit the other one-half of the plug over them.
  5. 5

    Fit the plug housing over the cap and screw information technology in place. Slide the other half of the plug along the string and onto the cap. Information technology will fit over the cap, keeping the wires well-protected. Inspect the outside portion of the housing for a small hole where you can fit a screw. Identify the screw that came included with the new plug, then turn it clockwise to tighten it.[11]

    • Take care non to overtighten the screw connector. Information technology could crush the plug casing or the wires within, creating a new hazard for anyone that comes into contact with it. Tighten information technology just enough to keep the plug halves secure.
  6. half dozen

    Examination the cord by plugging it into a functional outlet. If possible, close off ability to the outlet before plugging in the repaired string. Make sure yous deactivate ability to the room or circuit where you plan on using the cord. Then, turn it back on once you're ready for the test. Stay abroad from the repaired portion until you lot're certain the cord is working without issue. If you lot don't see annihilation unusual, then the repair was a success![12]

    • If you notice a hissing sound, smoke, or other problems, shut off the power right away. For your own safety, do not bear on the cord until you have deactivated the ability.
    • If the string doesn't work and you're sure yous repaired it correctly, the problem could be the outlet. Outlets article of clothing out over fourth dimension and need to be replaced so the metal contacts firmly connect to the plug.


  1. 1

    Set a ventilated work space that is heat-resistant, if possible. Choose a spot with a ventilation fan or at to the lowest degree some windows you can open to let out whatsoever smoke from the soldering fe. Utilise a fire-safe table or workbench to protect against burns from the metal solder and soldering iron. If you lot take a stainless steel or ceramic surface, you can apply it. Another option is to spread a heat-resistant textile, such as a glass soldering mat, where you plan on repairing the cord.[xiii]

    • Continue a encompass and stand up for the soldering iron nearby. That way, you don't have to worry about it touching and damaging your piece of work surface.
    • Tile, brick, and rock are a couple of types of scrap metal you can use to protect tables from dripping metal. About materials are safe to use as long as you keep the soldering iron from them.
    • Soldering is a great way to repair valuable cords when y'all don't want to purchase a new plug or can't observe a suitable ane. Information technology works for all types of cords, merely it's oft best for unmarried-wire cords with a permanently-attached plug.
  2. two

    Sideslip a PVC shrink tube over the wire to use later. A PVC shrink tube is similar a piece of plastic that protects and insulates exposed wires. They come in different sizes, and so choose one that is at least as large equally the area you wish to repair. A ane in (two.5 cm) tube is plenty for most repairs. Afterward choosing a tube, slide it along one of the cords so it's out of the way, leaving the cutting and stripped wires exposed.[xiv]

    • If you lot don't put the tube on the cord at present, yous won't exist able to do it later. Make certain yous get one that is the proper size for the repair!
    • The tubes and other textile needed for the repair are available online or at most hardware stores.
  3. three

    Select 63/37 lead solder for an like shooting fish in a barrel fabric to work with. Solder is a type of metal used to bring together wires together. A 63/37 solder wire is fabricated of 63% tin and 37% lead, which both melt at a low temperature for a quick just strong gear up. Information technology melts at nearly 361 °F (183 °C). It'south beginner-friendly and often used to repair electronics.[15]

    • Notation that you lot may find solder with other percentages. They are all slightly unlike. Although they can be used, stick to a 63/37 lead solder wire for a straightforward repair.
    • There are also atomic number 82-gratis solder wires. These wires are environmentally safe but melt at a higher temperature. If you decide to apply one, notation that it melts at a temperature near fifty°F (thirty°C) higher than lead solder.
  4. 4

    Put on a pair of safe spectacles before operating a soldering iron. Article of clothing the glasses for protection in example the melted metal splashes on you. Likewise, consider wearing a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and closed-toe shoes for additional protection. Cover upward equally much as possible to avert burns![16]

    • Be enlightened of the smoke released during the soldering process, especially if you're working with lead. Work outdoors or in an otherwise ventilated expanse while wearing a grit mask.
    • Go along other people and pets out of the surface area until you're finished and have given the soldering iron plenty of fourth dimension to cool off.
  5. 5

    Twist the exposed ends of the cord'due south internal wires together. Cutting out the damaged portion and strip the wires before doing this. Then, match the wires within the severed cord according to the color of their insulation. Depending on the string you lot're fixing, you might see more 1 colour, such as blood-red and bluish. Twist the red wires together, then twist the blue wires together, keeping the colors divide.[17]

    • Note that thicker cords, such as extension cords, take more than one internal wire. The wire colors accept to match or else yous could curt-circuit the organization. Smaller cords, such as your average lamp cord or telephone charger, only accept one wire.
    • It is possible to solder wires past laying the exposed ends adjacent. However, information technology's usually easier to twist them together and and then coat them with solder.
  6. 6

    Melt solder over the height of the wires to coat them. Hold the tip of the solder wire at a 45-degree bending above the exposed wires. So, raise the heated soldering iron up toward the wire, belongings it at an reverse 45-degree angle. Gently cook the soldering cloth so it drips onto the exposed wires. Keep moving the solder wire and soldering iron dorsum and along until the exposed wires are coated in the solder.[18]

    • The goal is to melt the soldering material, non the repaired wires. To avert melting them, don't let the soldering iron linger in 1 spot. Likewise, avoid touching it to the wires.
    • You could get a soldering pencil instead of a regular soldering iron. Information technology is smaller and easier to command, which can be of import when working with small wires. Hold information technology similar a pencil.
  7. seven

    Permit the soldered wires cool for about 2 minutes. Leave them alone until they become cool to the touch. While the repair cools, plow off your soldering iron and ready it aside in a safety spot, such as a holder. Keep the repaired cord undisturbed so the solder sets properly.[19]

    • If the solder doesn't have time to cool, information technology will be too brittle and the wires may come apart over again.
  8. viii

    Heat the PVC tube gently afterward sliding information technology over the solder. Move the PVC tube down cord, positioning it so it completely covers the repaired area. To keep it from burning, get a pilus dryer or another source of gentle but consistent warmth. Hold information technology about 5 in (13 cm) back from the cord. Move it back and along to heat the tube until it shrinks and fits tightly over the soldered area.[xx]

    • If y'all don't accept a pilus dryer or a heat gun, you could endeavour using a lighter. Be very careful to avert burning the tube.
  9. 9

    Test the cord by plugging information technology into an electrical outlet. Shut off the electricity to the outlet past flipping the corresponding switch in your home'southward fuse or excursion breaker box. And then, plug the wire in and reactivate the electricity. Lookout man the wire for smoke or other problems. If information technology seems to be working without a problem, then consider it repaired.[21]

    • Plow off the electricity right away if yous observe hissing or other problems. Standing to use the string could pb to a burn down or electrical shock. You lot virtually likely will need to replace it.


Add New Question

  • Question

    How practise I ready a punctured wire?


    Punctures, similar cuts to insulation, present a safety concern to anyone handling information technology while energized. No cord should exist repaired. Cut the bad office of the cord out and make the original string into ii shorter cords.

  • Question

    What colour is the hot wire of a three prong extension string?

    Community Answer

    The black wire is the hot wire. If wired correctly, the top left of the plug is hot, elevation right is neutral (white), and the bottom round plug is the ground wire (greenish).

  • Question

    How do I open the extension cord at the caput part (end things are plugged into)?


    Near cord caps with terminals within will come apart either by removing a screw, squeezing the blades towards each other, or another means. In that location should take been instructions included with the string cap.

  • Question

    How do I connect the iv wires inside the cord when the replacement plug has merely 3 places to hook the wires?


    You must always friction match the replacement cord caps to the original. All conductors must exist terminated to the proper last screw. If not, it volition non work properly and/or constitute a safety adventure.

  • Question

    How can I repair copper electric cords?


    Cords should never be repaired, regardless of the conductor fabric. They can merely be shortened with a replacement cord cap.

  • Question

    How do I repair a burnt electric cord?

    Community Answer

    Ends can exist replaced using parts at the hardware shop. The burnt office can be cutting out and spliced back together using solder and heatshrink. Two wire cords need to be marked so you lot keep the hot and neutral in correct orientation. Three wire cords are unremarkably color coded.

  • Question

    Tin can y'all repair a chewed cord?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Customs Reply

    If the outer sheath of a cord is chewed up, but the internal wires aren't severed or damaged, yous tin can repair the superficial damage easily. Start by unplugging the cord so you don't accidentally daze yourself. Wrap electric record around the cord a few times to seal the damage. Make sure it's well-sealed and embrace all of the damaged areas with the tape to fully insulate the string. Yous can so plug information technology back in and see if it works.

  • Question

    How do you replace a power cord plug?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Customs Answer

    Choose a new plug with the same number of prongs as the old i. Read the labels on the new string cap to see where each wire fits. Cut off the cord from the old plug but below where it connects to information technology. So, constrict the ends of the exposed wires clockwise effectually the screws. Work on the wires 1 at a fourth dimension, connecting them to the advisable cap terminals. Proceed each wire secure past twisting the exposed strands together first. Begin wrapping the wires clockwise around the screws. Turn the screws clockwise to pivot the wires to the cap with a Phillips screwdriver. Then, fit the plug housing over the cap and screw it in place.

  • Question

    Is it safe to put electrical record over exposed wires?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Customs Respond

    Yes, it'southward totally rubber to put electric record over exposed wires. In fact, that's what it'south designed for. Just make sure you unplug or shut off power so at that place isn't electricity flowing through the wires then you can avert shocking yourself. Have the edge of the tape and place information technology over the broken casing. And so, wrap the tape around the cord a few times to seal the damage.

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  • Y'all tin can test cords past using a continuity tester or multimeter. Use the testing probes to look for a continuity of 0 ohms, indicating that the repaired cord is working properly.

  • If y'all have a long cord, you lot tin can cut it and turn it into a pair of smaller cords. If you're left with a short length later cutting off the damage, and then yous're often amend off throwing it abroad.

  • Always bank check to make sure you're using the right plug for the cord you're fixing. If you apply the wrong type of plug, it could cause electric damage to the wires.

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  • Working with electric wires is dangerous, then have all possible safety precautions to avoid the risk of electric shock. Never handle a alive wire!

  • According to the National Electrical Lawmaking, splicing extension cords is unsafe. Repairs can merely be done by cut out the damaged portion and fitting a new plug.

  • For safety, exercise not attempt to prepare external cords by twisting them together, capping them with wire nuts, and roofing them with electric tape. This volition work for splicing wires within your wall or junction box, but information technology doesn't insulate external cords to prevent fires or electric shock.[22]


Things You'll Need

  • Wire cutters, pliers, or utility knife
  • Wire strippers
  • Wire plug
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • PVC compress tube
  • 63/37 lead solder
  • Soldering fe or pencil
  • Rut gun, blow dryer, or lighter

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