
How To Repair Textured Drywall Cracks

The Do'southward and Don'ts of Ceiling Repair

Cruddy ceiling cracks backbite from any room'south look, only, fortunately, repairing them is ofttimes a DIY project.

ceiling repair

Cracks announced in drywall and plaster for several reasons, from normal settling of the house, to faulty workmanship, roof truss uplift, or h2o leaks. While repairing cracks on walls is pretty straightforward, it's a bit more complicated with ceilings, which typically have some type of texture practical and are overhead, making the repairs a (literal) pain in the neck. By following a few time-honored techniques, a savvy homeowner can often successfully repair cracks in ceilings without besides much problem. The trick is knowing what to do offset, what tools to use, and recognizing whether information technology's fourth dimension to call in the professionals.

DO pinpoint the cause of the scissure.

Sometimes, the cause of a ceiling scissure is apparent, such as visible water stains on the ceiling, which indicates a leak caused the joint compound to soften and crack. A delicate spider web of hairline cracks is often the result of applying joint chemical compound too thickly, which resulted in shrinkage and the evolution of cracks as it dried. Before tackling this ceiling repair, right the cause of the cracks, such as fixing leaks to forestall cracks from recurring.

DON'T continue without a plan.

Depending on the type of ceiling texture and the extent of the crack, ceiling repairs might involve removing some of the texture to make the repair and then patching the ceiling with a product that matches the balance of its surface. Rather than smearing some spackle into the crack with a finger (which sometimes works!), consider whether retexturing or painting will be necessary to give the ceiling a finished wait subsequently the cleft repairs are consummate. For the best results, consider all aspects of the project and the desired outcome.

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Practise consider popcorn ceiling removal.

All the rage in the 1960s and 70s, popcorn ceilings that yet survive today are ofttimes dust and grime collectors, and whatever type of crack repair is likely to stick out like a sore pollex. Since this type of ceiling can actually reduce a domicile's market value, this may be an excellent time to get rid of the texture or cover it up with drywall panels or rigid foam panels. Popcorn ceilings installed before 1978 may incorporate asbestos, then information technology's vital to find out what type of popcorn texture is on your ceiling before making repairs. It'due south ordinarily improve to have an asbestos-remediation expert remove a popcorn ceiling that contains asbestos.

ceiling repair

If the crack is a very thin hairline—and it's been there for a while—odds are yous can simply put a little spackling on a finger and smear it carefully into the crevice, taking care to wipe abroad residue from the surface. More than often, however, the cleft will exist larger, or the ceiling will have multiple cracks. When this is the instance, using the correct tools and materials volition provide the best results. A 6-inch taping knife works well for removing loose ceiling texture and peeling newspaper. A modest tub of premixed drywall mud is necessary for filling the cracks, and using mesh or newspaper drywall tape to reinforce the chemical compound is helpful. A drywall sanding sponge comes in handy for smoothing the surface after the mixture dries.

ceiling repair

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Practise protect the walls and floor.

Wet drywall compound has a way of dripping everywhere when you're working overhead, so take steps to protect walls, the flooring, and whatsoever other items in the room. Lay downwards a canvass tarp on the floor (plastic drop cloths can go wet and dangerously glace), and embrace any furniture with lightweight plastic drop cloths to avoid ruining them. If the ceiling cleft is almost a wall, consider covering the wall with a plastic drop cloth to keep splatters off.

DON'T shorten time for drying.

Ceiling fissure repairs made with wet drywall compound should be completely dry before another blanket is practical. The full general rule-of-thumb here is to apply the mixture in the thinnest coat possible, making sure to remove backlog with a taping knife. When completely dry, the chemical compound will turn a bright white colour. At that point, information technology can be sanded down and recoated.

DO try a flexible patching compound.

If you've repaired a fissure in ceiling drywall before, just to have the crack reappear a few weeks or months later, consider sealing the ceiling repair with a flexible product such as Elastopatch Smooth Flexible Patching Compound (available from Amazon). Rather than applying standard paper or mesh drywall tape to the crack, brush on a thin coat of Elastopatch with a small brush—directly over a cleft that's been filled with compound or spackling so sanded smoothen. Ane or ii coats of Elastopatch is all information technology takes to course a flexible seal over the repaired crack.

DON'T forget to stay condom.

Sanding drywall compound can create billows of dust, and a DIYer should wear a dust mask in add-on to center protection before tackling the job. In addition, when working overhead, use but a sturdy step ladder (no wobbly chairs or stools) in order to reach the ceiling.

step ladder

RELATED: xi Scenic Ideas for a Wood Ceiling

Exercise add a finishing touch.

Repaired cracks tin can expect near as bad as the cracks themselves if the repairs don't friction match the rest of the ceiling. Ceiling patch repair products are available in sprays and semi-liquids for applying with a sponge—be sure to go i that matches the ceiling's texture. Painting the ceiling is also an option, in which case, look for a high-hiding ceiling paint in a neutral colour.

DON'T skip other ceiling updates.

Once the ceiling repair is complete and the ceiling texture has been patched, a dated light fixture or a rusty render-air vent can mar the new wait. Consider replacing an onetime low-cal fixture with a new one, and supervene upon an old vent—or at to the lowest degree clean information technology and give information technology a fresh coat of pigment—to give the whole room a fresh new await.

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